U Beogradu će nastupiti poznati novinar i TV voditelj Leonid Parfjonov. Predstaviće svoju novu knjigu „Pre neki dan. Naša era. 2016−2020“.
Ovaj sveži, 12. tom posvećen je relativno mirnoj drugoj polovini 2010-ih. Ovde se sastaju Monetočka i Mišustin, „Petrov i Boširov“, Golunov i Greta Tunberg. “Nema novca, ali ti se drži”, Dud, deljenje automobila, korona virus, PokemonGo i drugi događaji, ljudi, fenomeni - sve što je odredilo naš način života. Nešto bez čega ne možemo zamisliti. To je još teže razumeti.
Leonid će predstaviti i svoje druge projekte: najnovije filmove i seriju “Namedni”.
On će također odgovarati na pitanja publike i održati autogram sesiju uz potpisivanje tomova “Onog dana”.
Centar za kulturu Vlada Divljan
Početak u 20:00
KUPITE KARTU ovde https://somewhere.show/rs
A well-known journalist and TV host Leonid Parfyonov holds a series of performances in connection with the release of the new volume of "Namedni. Our Era. 2016−2020".
This newest, 12th volume is dedicated to the relatively calm second half of the 2010s. Monetochka and Mishustin, Petrov and Boshirov, Golunov and Greta Thunberg meet here. "No money, but you hold on", Dud, carsharing, coronavirus, PokemonGo and other events, people, phenomena — everything that has defined our way of life. Things that are impossible to imagine us without. Even harder to understand.
Leonid Parfyonov will also present his other projects: his recent films and the "Namedni" series, which he has managed to continue on YouTube even now, under the conditions of relocation. Leonid will answer viewers' questions and at the end of the meeting he will hold a signing-session with the signature volumes of "Namedni".
Leonid Parfyonov can already be considered a legend in television journalism. He is one of those who created this profession in the 90s. People of the older generation remember him from the golden era of NTV, while young people subscribe to his YouTube channel "Parfenon" where Leonid continues to draw parallels between eras and captivate viewers with his erudition, wisdom and broad view of the world.
May 22th, Belgrade, Vlada Divljan Cultural Center
Mitropolita Petra 8, Belgrade
Show: 20:00